Out Of Order was written on August 2, 1989, while listening to Crumpled Dress by Durutti Column, in my car, as I sat in front of Baby’O Studios, on Hudson St. in Hollywood, at approximately 1:30 in the afternoon, and thinking about Joy Division, M. taking an irresponsible vacation in Italy…hence the lyrics as well, to the song Like an Italian…
Here – feel me burning
That’s when it’s good
When it’s the two of us
That’s all I want
Just the two of us, crazy
This sickness of yours is your weakness
Let me tell you that not one of us is the least bit flattered
I want to destroy the object of your desire
You’re really too demanding
You only want the one little thing that I can’t give
My one and only
You take my heart
The biggest part
And from the start you left me lonely
And it pains me
It causes me great pain
It angers me
It makes me sad
It frustrates me
To imagine you living that way without me
I keep forgetting who was first
That I was second
I’m so confused now so who was first
It just pains me – everything
It’s all out of order
It’s all out of order
1989_0801 : Out Of Order
Out Of Order was written on August 2, 1989, while listening to Crumpled Dress by Durutti Column, in my car, as I sat in front of Baby’O Studios, on Hudson St. in Hollywood, at approximately 1:30 in the afternoon, and thinking about Joy Division, M. taking an irresponsible vacation in Italy…hence the lyrics as well, to the song Like an Italian…
Here – feel me burning
That’s when it’s good
When it’s the two of us
That’s all I want
Just the two of us, crazy
This sickness of yours is your weakness
Let me tell you that not one of us is the least bit flattered
I want to destroy the object of your desire
You’re really too demanding
You only want the one little thing that I can’t give
My one and only
You take my heart
The biggest part
And from the start you left me lonely
And it pains me
It causes me great pain
It angers me
It makes me sad
It frustrates me
To imagine you living that way without me
I keep forgetting who was first
That I was second
I’m so confused now so who was first
It just pains me – everything
It’s all out of order
It’s all out of order
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